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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 5, 2008


is where my two boys want to be all the time. They love to be outside. Playing with toys or in the sand box or digging in the dirt is fine with them if it means being outside. They are so much fun to watch. Today we helped Pop and Lollie plant the garden. I know it is a little late but the boys had so much fun. Eli helped Pop run the tiller. He was so cute walking along side the tiller and trying to talk to Pop. Of course Pop could not hear anything because of the tiller. Micah took his shoes off and walked in the newly tilled soil and the look on his face was precious. Eli of course needed his shoes off too so he could walk in the dirt like Micah. They had fun.

We got the pool open finally. After all the rain from May we finally get in yesterday for the first time. I think the cover was drained about four times before we finally got it to where the cover could come off and us be here long enough to be able to take it off when it was ready. The boys love the pool. Eli picked right up where the was last year at the end of the summer with not being scared of the water or it getting in his face. He does so good. He stays off by himself most of the time. Micah was a little unsure yesterday in some ways. He would get to kicking and bouncing and get some water in his face and then settle for a little while. Yesterday it did not take too long and he was ready to be out. He wants me to be the one holding him all the time but that is okay with me. You just get a little tired after a while. He did great today. I think he would have stayed longer than what we did but he needed a nap.

We have VBS next week at church. Eli has worked so hard helping paint. He is so cute and wants to help so badly. I hope he keeps that spirit about him. Micah has taken some bumps to the head while at the building working and that has keep us on our toes. He is growing so fast that has helped to cause so of the bumps. Places he could walk one day it seems the next he can not without hitting something. I am still not finished in my room. Hopefully I will be Saturday. I dont lack much but sometimes getting the little stuff done is the hardest.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Sounds like you guys have been busy! Hope VBS goes well, we just finished ours!