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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Eli sings

Eli loves to sing. He loves to lead singing here at the house. When we read Bible stories you have to first sing the song and then read the story. Last night at church, Pop asked Eli what we should sing. He says "Some glad morning." Which of course is I'll Fly Away and one of his favorite songs. Pop says okay and it is the first song he leads. Eli helps sing by singing so loud that he is singing louder than Pop is the song leader. It was priceless. To hear him sing with that much gusto was priceless.

Micah is playing with my foot right now. I need to get him down for a nap.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Micah's new trick

I was getting clothes ready to wash this morning and Micah was playing in the floor. He was in Eli's room on his belly playing. When I checked on him he has sitting up like a big boy. He has sat himself up twice this morning. Time is passing too quickly. I wish they would stay little just a while longer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sweet stories

Sunday night was singing night at church and we also eat afterwards. As Halley, my sister, and Glenn, her husband, were leaving Eli asked if he would see them tomorrow for supper. He goes on to invite them for supper Monday night. Halley calles Monday to let me know that they are coming to eat and I asked if Mom invited them and she says, "No, Eli did." This was the first I had heard about the invitation but Mom already knew. We ended up having a very nice dinner. Eli was a very good host. It was sweet.

Last night, I was working on getting things cleaned up from the day and putting away clothes while the boys were outside with Pop and Lollie. Eli told them they needed to study "the word". He goes inside and gets a book for Lollie and himself. They then studied. He is so much fun.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good job Eli!

As of today we have had an accident free week with potty training. That includes a trip to Nashville and back. Way to go Eli. Things have really clicked with him in the last week or two. I am very thankful for that blessing. He and Micah are both such blessings.

We went to Nashville to see Mamaw and Papaw Wells. Mamaw had to have hip replacement surgery. She did great. They live in Kentucky so we dont see them as often as I would like for us to. I could not pass up a shorter trip to be able to see them. We also got to eat lunch with Aunt Alice and Aunt Betty Jean. They are my great aunts who live in Nashville. They enjoyed some time with the boys.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Trip to Mimi and Monk's

We went to see Mimi and Monk on Saturday. Eli enjoys playing there. His favorite toy is Monk's tractor. He loves to ride and got to drive Saturday. Monk would point the direction and Eli would turn the wheel and off they would go. Bradon and Gavin, my nephews, came to play also. Bradon is 5 and Gavin is 1. They had lots of fun.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sweet Kids

Here are the kids I babysit. We go to church with their families. Dane was two in July and Bryleigh will be two in January. She was adopted and is from China. She came home in December. It is amazing how fast she has adjusted. They are both very sweet and they all play really well together. I, of course, had to include some of Micah also.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Milestones reached

Micah reached two new milestones today. First, he crawled over my leg while we were playing in Eli's room. It was almost done without my realizing what he was doing. I was playing with Eli and Micah had seen something he need and went after it. He also feed himself a puff today. It was so fun watching him work to get it in his mouth. He just grinned when he succeed. He is so precious.

Eli is also reaching some milestones. The potty training is starting to click. We have has some outings without accidents and also a day or so without any. Hopefully, he will continue and have the potty training down before too much longer. I don't know that I ever thought I would be so happy to share information about potty training, especially over the Internet. Oh well, how times change.

Monday, August 13, 2007

How quick they learn

Last night we were eating supper after church. Eli had some veggie chips and was breaking one into small pieces. He hands one to my mom and says "Here Lollie, Lord's Supper." He then breaks off a piece for me and him. We had to take the Lord's Supper. It was precious. I can remember playing church at my grandparents house with my sisters and cousins. Now I get that privilege with my children. We as parents have such a huge responsibility in training our children.

Micah is low crawling everywhere. He can get to any place in the house and faster than you can turn around. We have a very eventful few months before us.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Book to read

For those of you that have boys, I really encourage you to read Harry Potter. I finished the last book early this morning. The books are wonderful. I look forward to reading them with Eli and Micah. I was sad to see the journey end.

Micah is feeling better. He still looked a little pale yesterday but he is back to his old self. We are taking pictures this week for his six month and Eli's three year. My sister Halley is taking them for me. She does a good job.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sick baby

Micah was sick for the first time last night. He had a little stomach bug. He was so sad. He was smile at you and then up it would come. Then he would look at you and just cry. Thank goodness it was a very short lasting bug. He was able to sleep pretty good last night, which means mom slept too. He has played today and been good. It has been a rough week for the little guy. First shots and now this.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Trip to the doctor

The trip to the doctor is over! Eli cried. He did not have to have a shot and that was a good thing. He had to have a tooth capped about six weeks ago and I was unable to go back with him then. Eli was so scared I was going to leave him. Once the doctor got in there and started talking with us and to him, he calmed some. He still dod not want to be anywhere but in my lap but the doctor was able to check him out. I thought he might have to have a shot but we were up to date and was a blessing.

Micah did like always, laughed while the doctor was checking him. He weighed 19 lbs 3 ozs and was 26 1/2 inches long. He got four shots, but did great! I learned with Eli to give the tylenol before we left for the appointment and that helps. He cried some but calmed quickly. This was only his second set of shots. We opted to wait till he was four months to start shots.

We went to eat with some friends for lunch afterwards and then to WalMart. They are both sleeping now and I plan on reading. I am a Harry Potter fan and am just over halfway with the finally book. Hope all have a great day!

Monday, August 6, 2007

First time for everything

I had to do something yesterday that I have never done before. Eli did not have a nap yesterday so last night during church he pitched a fit that I could not let go. Thus I had to take him out and spank him. Even if he had had a nap this fit would have gotten a spanking. For him to be three years old and me to just now have given him his first spanking during church, I am very blessed.

We go tomorrow for Eli's three year check and Micah's six months check. I know Micah gets shots but I also think Eli gets shots as well. It may be a long day.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Six months

Micah is six months old today. It has gone by too fast. He is the happiest baby. He is always smiling and his favorite person to laugh with is Eli.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Okay, so maybe...

I guess potty training is not so bad. I must remember that he is just three. And he will do this in his own time. It will click with him one day. Micah has started to walk forward in his walker. This of course opens a whole new world. Not only is he moving in the walker, but he is also moving on the floor with his knees and feet. That means he will be crawling soon and what do I do with Eli's toys then! My two sweet boys are growing too fast.